Peering Policy AS29075
General policy
IELO (AS29075) has an open peering policy and are willing to establish interconnections with other network operators. We exchange our traffic in priority using the Internet Exchange points. IELO uses an authority AS-SET AS29075:AS-IELO
with primary source RIPE-NCC.
This page details AS29075 peering policy of IELO, especially AS29075 with other AS. It tries to establish rules and criteria for peering with IELO.
While they define general rules, their applications might be on a case-by-case basis. Validation of peering establishment might be refused even though you respect all criteria.
Modification on the peering polities will be communicated in case they impact you deeply, such as leaving an IX.
General Rules
- The peering partner need to possess an Autonomous System Number assigned bo one of the RIR, and must use BGP.
- The peering partner should not alter the peering, in particular and not exhaustively by pointing a default route, static route, next-hop resets, selling or giving next-hop to third parties, and so forth.
- The peering partner must have a 24/7 NOC, capable of doing actions on the peering in case of an emergency.
- The peering partner must keep their informations up-to-date on
- The peering partner must announce their routes the more neutral way possible. It’s deeply discourage to aggregate or desegregate the routes received by your clients.
- The peering partner is encourage to apply all possible route-filtering to increase the peering safety and avoid leeks. You are encouraged to use RPKI and filter incorrect announcements.
- The peering partner must not announce default route or any reserved prefixes, such as documentation prefixes or RFC-1918.
- The peering partner should not announce more specific routes than /24 IPv4 or /48 IPv6 unless RTBH cases, emitted in /32 IPv4 and /128 IPv6.
- The peering partner must apply maximum prefix limit policy enforced, followings IELO’s recommendations, and values emitted on and on this website.
- The peering partner should not exceed in a regular or permanent basis of 75% of the physical interconnection capacity. Such bandwidth usage should trigger discussion between IELO and the peering partner for the actions to be taken, in particular the establishment of a PNI.
- The sessions must be established for both IPv4 and IPv6.
- IPv4 Unicast routes must be announced over an IPv4 session. IPv6 Unicast routes must be announced over an IPv6 session
- An Inbound/Outbound ratio is not required for peering with IELO
- The peering partner must not be a current IELO transit customer